© Julien Ferrandez
How to properly adjust your LEOPARD LLF and IRVIS HYBRID crampons?
Belaying with the REVERSO
Carabiner compatibility test
Carabiner basics
Choice of lanyard end carabiner for a rock climbing or via ferrata lanyard
Choice of carabiners for hauling systems and pulley attachment
Choice of carabiners for attaching the rope to the anchor
Examples of dangerous carabiner loading.
Attaching a rope to the harness
Quick rappel on a ridge climb
Using pulleys with small-diameter rope or cord.
Friction hitches
Three types of tie-in with or without chest coils.
Approaching a glacier as a roped team of two
Installing an equalized belay station
Primary dangers when using a rope
How to coil the rope?
Crossing a bergschrund on a snow slope
Progression with a taut rope using a TIBLOC
Crevasse rescue no. 1: transferring the victim's weight to an anchor
Crevasse rescue no. 2: accessing the edge of the crevasse to evaluate the situation
Crevasse rescue no. 3: haul systems for crevasse rescue
Ascending the rope in self-rescue: take care when approaching the anchor
Crevasse fall: hauling on a rope with knots
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