Petzl Videos : Petzl RopeTrip 2016 - Salt Lake City - USA | Petzl Deutschland

Petzl RopeTrip 2016 - Salt Lake City - USA

26 Juli 2016

Zugang mit Seil und Beengte Räume

Der soeben zu Ende gegangene Petzl RopeTrip wird unvergesslich bleiben: 31 Teams von Seilzugangstechnikern aus 17 Ländern waren für vier Tage nach Salt Lake City gereist, um Erfahrungen auszutauschen und ihre technischen Kompetenzen am Seil unter Beweis zu stellen.

Petzl RopeTrip: portfolio

Petzl RopeTrip 2016, Salt Lake City - USA © Lafouche

During the final


Petzl RopeTrip 2016, Salt Lake City - USA © Lafouche

"Over the edge" - qualificiation


Petzl RopeTrip 2016, Salt Lake City - USA © Lafouche

"Gravity" - qualification


Petzl RopeTrip 2016, Salt Lake City - USA © Lafouche

Demonstration of "Gravity"


Petzl RopeTrip 2016, Salt Lake City - USA © Lafouche

During the finale - Salt Lake City Librairy



Mehr info

The Petzl RopeTrip Competition consists of a series of challenges designed to mimic real world situations found in the rope access community. These include moving delicate objects through a vertical environment, performing emergency rescue, preparing a worksite, assembling objects while free hanging, personal positioning and three dimensional positioning. The competition allows…

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