Proper selection of ABSORBICA lanyard – workers weighing 100 to 140 kg (lanyards before 2024) - Petzl Finland

Proper selection of ABSORBICA lanyard – workers weighing 100 to 140 kg (lanyards before 2024)

With all their equipment, a worker can easily weigh more than 100 kg. In this case, care must be taken to not exceed the energy absorbing capacity of the ABSORBICA, to limit the impact force on the user.


  • Carefully read the Instructions for Use used in this technical advice before consulting the advice itself. You must have already read and understood the information in the Instructions for Use to be able to understand this supplementary information.
  • Mastering these techniques requires specific training. Work with a professional to confirm your ability to perform these techniques safely and independently before attempting them unsupervised.
  • We provide examples of techniques related to your activity. There may be others that we do not describe here.

Certification framework for ABSORBICA lanyards

Geographic area Standards framework Certified uses
Europe CE (EN 355) Workers weighing 100 kg maximum for a fall distance of 4 m maximum
North America ANSI Z359.13 Workers weighing 140 kg maximum for a fall distance of around 3.6 m (12 feet) maximum

Note: The ANSI standard certifies use with 140 kg based on drop tests done with 128 kg

The European standards framework does not cover use beyond 100 kg for ABSORBICA lanyards: Petzl allows for 100 to 140 kg usage by limiting the fall distance.

Usage framework for ABSORBICA lanyards with workers weighing 100 to 140 kg (non-certified use)

In order to remain within the energy-absorbing capacity of ABSORBICA lanyards, users weighing 100 to 140 kg must reduce their potential fall distance.

To limit the fall distance, users have two solutions:

- Favor work positions relative to the anchor that limit the potential fall distance

- Limit your lanyard length

The easiest solution to implement in your workplace is to limit your lanyard length.

The table below gives fall distances / lanyard lengths to avoid exceeding based on your weight, in order to not exceed the absorption capacity of ABSORBICA lanyards. Examples of possible lanyard setups are given only as a guide:

ABSORBICA, hauteurs de chute/longueurs de longe.
ABSORBICA, hauteurs de chute/longueurs de longe 1/3.
ABSORBICA, hauteurs de chute/longueurs de longe 2/3.
ABSORBICA, hauteurs de chute/longueurs de longe 3/3.

*The maximum fall distance values given in this table are based on the performance requirements of the EN 355 standard (6 kN maximum impact force). At 140 kg, the maximum allowable fall distance is thus more restrictive than that allowed under the ANSI certification framework.

If you already have your equipment, we give some standard lengths, which will allow you to calculate the length of your system and to see if you do not exceed the maximum length based on your weight.

To calculate the length of your system, add together the length of the connectors at each end, the absorber and the lanyard (for example: Am’D + ABSORBICA-I L011AA00 + MGO OPEN 60 = 8 + 80 + 22 = 110 cm).

ABSORBICA, calcul de la longueur du système.

For an elasticized lanyard

WARNING: for an elasticized lanyard (FLEX and TIE-BACK versions), measure the length of the equipment with the lanyard fully stretched out (length of absorber + lanyard = 150 cm).

For an ABSORBICA-I VARIO lanyard

This equipment allows the lanyard length to be manually adjusted during use. We recommend taking the maximum length of the lanyard.

Lengths of a few components

Absorber unit only (L010AA00) = 20 cm

ABSORBICA-I (L011AA00) = 80 cm

ABSORBICA-Y (L012AA00) = 80 cm

ABSORBICA-I FLEX (L013AA01) = 150 cm

ABSORBICA-Y FLEX (L014AA01) = 150 cm

Am’D = 8 cm

MGO OPEN = 22 cm

Bm’D = 9 cm


RING OPEN = 4 cm

OXAN = 8 cm

GO = 6 cm

OK = 8 cm