Safety Alert
© Lafouche
Accompanied descent rescue with the RIG
Drop loop haul on the MAESTRO for urgent rescue
Team rescue techniques for hauling and lowering
Comparison between MAESTRO and I’D for a rescue using twin tensioned haul lines
Haul system with the RIG
Release and rescue of a victim on a fall arrest system, by two co-workers
Rope rescue: ASAP and accompanied descent
Rope rescue: ASAP performance on a taut rope
Two MAESTRO, I’D or RIG used in parallel by a single operator.
Tower rescue: skate block with REEVE
Video - How to do a rescue on a cable lift?
Video - How to install and use TWIN RELEASE?
Using the TWIN RELEASE for a 3:1 Haul System
Working load in emergency situations
Release and rescue of a co-worker using a rescue kit
Release and rescue of a co-worker suspended on a static support.
Release and rescue of a co-worker suspended on a long rope
Drop loop haul on the I'D for urgent rescue, with ASAP
Evacuation by rope-to-rope transfer
Evacuation by Tyrolean traverse
Upward and horizontal evacuation in a confined space
Performance of the ASAP with a 250 kg load, with the ASAP fixed to an anchor.
MAESTRO features
Remote control of the MAESTRO handle with a cord
Belaying with the MAESTRO
MAESTRO line: difference between S and L models
Securing the MAESTRO with an ASAP for training.
Releasable anchor with the RIG: lowering system pre-installed on the ground.
Using the GRILLON as an anchor for more than one person
Using pulleys with small-diameter rope or cord.
Lowering 150 kg - 250 kg with the I’D S and I’D EVAC on the anchor
Lowering 150 kg - 280 kg with the I’D L on the anchor
Belaying loads with the I’D S, I’D L, and I’D EVAC
How to calculate mechanical advantage
Primary uses of the RIG
Video - Using the REEVE pulley
I’D L uses and specifications
Using the ADJUST rope adjuster with the MGO OPEN
Pulley system efficiency tests with MAESTRO, I’D S, PRO TRAXION, ROLLCLIP...
Greater efficiency on rope ascents with FALCON ASCENT and TOP CROLL S
Tyrolean on rope with RIG
Tensioning a tyrolean with MAESTRO, I’D, RIG
Carabiner compatibility test
Carabiner basics
Choice of carabiner for attaching a descender with a safety gate (I’D S, RIG, STOP...) to the harness
Choice of lanyard end carabiner for a work positioning lanyard
Choice of carabiner for connecting the fall-arrest lanyard to the harness
Choice of carabiners for attaching the rope to the anchor
Choice of carabiners for hauling systems and pulley attachment
Choice of carabiners for attaching a HUIT, RACK... to the harness
Examples of dangerous carabiner loading.
Occasional rope climbing with the I'D