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FCC Commissioner visits Petzl America

The FCC Commissioner, Brendan Carr, visits Petzl America to discuss telecommunication growth and needs.

July 7 2022

On Monday, June 27, FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr visited Petzl America in Salt Lake City to collect business resource information and discuss the needs of the telecommunication industry. Commissioner Carr has been described by some as the FCC’s “5G crusader,” deeply involved with and passionately guiding infrastructure development and buildout of high-speed data networks and technology. 

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr and Petzl Chief Operating Officer Tom Adams discuss Petzl’s history of innovation at Petzl’s US and Canadian market headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah.


The telecommunication industry is experiencing tremendous growth, with demand for trained tower technicians being a primary concern for contractors expanding the 5G network throughout the country. With such high demand for skilled workers, Petzl is committed to supporting telecom training companies, especially those in the Petzl Technical Partner (PTP) network, as well as the National Wireless Safety Alliance, to expand and improve training opportunities. 

Petzl is also working to augment and refine its innovative and lightweight personal protective equipment (PPE), work-at-height, and rescue equipment needed to keep tower technicians safe and efficient when performing their vital work. 

Brendan Carr (FCC Commissioner), Steve Petty (Petzl Business Development Manager - Rescue & Military), and Alexis Gergonne (Petzl Engineering Intern) discuss drop-testing with energy absorbers that are part of Petzl’s fall protection systems.


Petzl's “How To” video series provides valuable information on products and techniques that tower technicians routinely use on the job. The video series includes:

How To: Use the GRILLON in single mode
How To: Use the GRILLON in double mode
How To: Use ASAP and ASAP LOCK on a vertical lifeline

All photos by Jaden Aland

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