Ascending a rope with GRIGRI, GRIGRI + and NEOX - Petzl United Kingdom

Ascending a rope with GRIGRI, GRIGRI + and NEOX


  • Carefully read the Instructions for Use used in this technical advice before consulting the advice itself. You must have already read and understood the information in the Instructions for Use to be able to understand this supplementary information.
  • Mastering these techniques requires specific training. Work with a professional to confirm your ability to perform these techniques safely and independently before attempting them unsupervised.
  • We provide examples of techniques related to your activity. There may be others that we do not describe here.

Ascending a rope is necessary in certain situations, for example if you descended too far on a rappel and need to go back up to reach the next rappel station. GRIGRI, GRIGRI + and NEOX can be used to ascend a rope, keeping the rope taut and taking up slack as you ascend.

WARNING: from the moment you stop, start, ascend, descend or even pendulum on a fixed rope, you make it all the more vulnerable to abrasion. Locate possible rub points on the rock as you descend, as this will tell you how much movement you can allow yourself in the event of a problem.

Note: the NEOX is less effective than the GRIGRI in this usage, due to the lag time in blocking (maximum one half rotation of the wheel) as described in the Instructions for Use. See also the technical tip: Normal sound of the NEOX.

If the rock is not too steep and allows you to stand on your feet:

Keep the brake side of the rope in your hand and take up slack as you ascend.

Remontée sur corde avec GRIGRI, GRIGRI + et NEOX : pente peu raide 1/2.
Remontée sur corde avec GRIGRI, GRIGRI + et NEOX : pente peu raide 2/2.

If you need to let go of the rope for your tasks (e.g. untangling the rope, making a belay), tie a knot in the brake side of the rope (see technical tip: Hands-free position with GRIGRI and NEOX).

Remontée sur corde avec GRIGRI, GRIGRI + et NEOX : noeud en bout de corde impératif côté freinage.
Remontée sur corde avec GRIGRI, GRIGRI + et NEOX : noeud en bout de corde impératif côté freinage.

Note: in any case, you must not let go of the brake side of the rope and climb. Self-belayed climbing is not allowed with the GRIGRI, GRIGRI + or NEOX.

Below an overhang or in any situation without support for the feet:

Use an ascender (e.g. TIBLOC, BASIC or even a Prusik) on the rope, and a sling to stand up in.

Remontée sur corde avec GRIGRI, GRIGRI + et NEOX sans appui pour les pieds 1/4.
Remontée sur corde avec GRIGRI, GRIGRI + et NEOX sans appui pour les pieds 2/4.

1. Tie a knot in the brake side of the rope to have your hands free to install the ascending system.

Remontée sur corde avec GRIGRI, GRIGRI + et NEOX sans appui pour les pieds 1/4.
Remontée sur corde avec GRIGRI, GRIGRI + et NEOX sans appui pour les pieds 2/4.

2. Install an ascender above your descender. Pass the brake side of the rope through the carabiner on this ascender to create a self-hauling effect. Install a sling as a footloop.

Note: if your available equipment allows it, it may be worthwhile to tether yourself to the ascender. This helps prevent losing it during operations and placing it out of reach in the event of user error. (The diagram does not show this lanyard for the sake of clarity).

3. Pull on the brake side of the rope at the same time as you stand up in the footloop: tension on the descender is maintained at all times, with the rope taut between you and the top anchor. Hold the brake side of the rope throughout the maneuver.