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Community News and videos Climbing through the eyes of Nina Caprez – Instagram Takeover

Climbing through the eyes of Nina Caprez – Instagram Takeover

From time to time, athletes from Team Petzl take control of our Instagram account. For one full week, they transport us directly into their world, allow us to experience their adventures first hand, and share what inspires them day-in and day-out. In December, Team Petzl member and professional climber, Nina Caprez, shared with us the wide variety of experiences that have marked her climbing career: Silbergeier, Divine Providence, Orbayu… She also provides us with key techniques that allow her to push her mental and physical limits; and all through photos with "full-on exposure!" Here are the nine Instagram photos from Nina. #Ninatakeover

January 2 2017

Rock climbing

Nina, a passionate Swiss climber




The first female ascent of Silbergeier in 2011




"Hélix au pays des merveilles," 8c+




Spending the night midway up an alpine route to recharge her batteries 




Being a female climber




Caving, her other passion




"The most beautiful sensation in climbing to me is taking a big fall"




On Mont Blanc's hardest route, "Divine Providence"




A voyage on one of the world's hardest multi-pitch routes, Orbayu, 8c



To continue the adventure, join us on our Instagram account: @petzl_official

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