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Summiting mountains with no feet

As a double-amputee, Sid is finally able to experience the joy of hiking. Using state-of-the-art walking prosthetics, his sights are now set on accessing his inaccessible by completing the father-and-son experience he missed out on as a kid.

August 20 2018

Backpacking and trekking

As a child, Sid Smith watched his dad and brothers go on epic outdoor adventures. He patiently looked on as each of his brothers took a trip with his dad to climb King’s Peak – Utah's tallest mountain. Due to a genetic disease that left Sid unable to walk very well and unable to hike, Sid had to stay back and wait for their return.

Years later though, Sid is now free of the feet that caused him countless surgeries and endless pain. Ironically, it’s only now, as a double-amputee that Sid is finally able to experience the joy of hiking. Using state-of-the-art walking prosthetics, his sights are set on completing the father and son experience he missed out on all those years ago.

The meaning of this hike is amplified when Sid gets to experience something he never dreamed would be possible – to include his son on this monumental passage. Joined by his dad and young son, Sid will be flanked by generations of those who love and support him while striving to achieve his goal. Hiking side-by-side with him every step of the way, these three generations of father and sons will work together to summit the peak and truly become kings of the mountain.