Changing the breakaway part of your DUAL chinstrap - Petzl Portugal

Changing the breakaway part of your DUAL chinstrap

If the breakaway part of the chinstrap gets broken, you can replace the part yourself.


  • Carefully read the Instructions for Use used in this technical advice before consulting the advice itself. You must have already read and understood the information in the Instructions for Use to be able to understand this supplementary information.
  • Mastering these techniques requires specific training. Work with a professional to confirm your ability to perform these techniques safely and independently before attempting them unsupervised.
  • We provide examples of techniques related to your activity. There may be others that we do not describe here.

Contact the after-sales service in your country to obtain a replacement breakaway part and follow these assembly instructions:

Breakaway part of DUAL chinstrap, assembly instructions
Breakaway part of DUAL chinstrap, assembly instructions
Breakaway part of DUAL chinstrap, assembly instructions

Warning: be sure to carry out a detailed inspection of your helmet when replacing the breakaway part of the chinstrap.