Primary dangers when using a rope - Petzl Portugal

Primary dangers when using a rope


  • Carefully read the Instructions for Use used in this technical advice before consulting the advice itself. You must have already read and understood the information in the Instructions for Use to be able to understand this supplementary information.
  • Mastering these techniques requires specific training. Work with a professional to confirm your ability to perform these techniques safely and independently before attempting them unsupervised.
  • We provide examples of techniques related to your activity. There may be others that we do not describe here.

Incorrect tie-in, knot incompletely tied or tied in to the wrong place on the harness.

Solution: partner check or mutual verification.

Le partner check ou vérification mutuelle.
Le partner check ou vérification mutuelle.

Rope too short.

Solution: always tie a knot at the end of the rope.

And check the length of the route on the topo.

Faire un nœud en bout de corde.

Ground fall due to rope stretch and a bad belay.

Solution: spot, then remain extremely mindful of ground fall potential while the climber is low on the route. Always keep a critical eye on your surroundings (ledges) when considering rope stretch (on lead or on top rope).

Chute au sol à cause de l'élasticité de la corde et un mauvais assurage.
Chute au sol à cause de l'élasticité de la corde et un mauvais assurage.
Chute au sol à cause de l'élasticité de la corde et un mauvais assurage.

Rope behind a leg

This is when the climber falls with the rope behind a leg.

Corde faucheuse.
Corde faucheuse.
Corde faucheuse.

Each year there are multiple incidents in which the rope is cut. For example on sharp rock edges, from rockfall or on fixed carabiners with sharp edges from excessive wear...

Alerte cordes coupées.

Take the time to verify that your rope is compatible with your belay device.

Compatibility obviously depends on the diameter, but also on the treatment, texture, density, flexibility... Two ropes of the same diameter can perform very differently in a belay device. Perform some tests a few meters off the ground, especially with new, slick ropes, or with skinny ropes.

Being tied in does not guarantee your fall will be arrested!

Certain situations demand weighing the pros and cons of whether to use a rope or not. Steep snow slopes are a perfect example...

Certaines situations demandent de peser le pour et le contre
Certaines situations demandent de peser le pour et le contre