Does Petzl offer hearing protection for VERTEX, ALVEO, STRATO helmets? - Petzl Portugal

Does Petzl offer hearing protection for VERTEX, ALVEO, STRATO helmets?

While Petzl doesn't make hearing protection, our VERTEX / ALVEO / STRATO helmets can be easily equipped with it.

Here are the references for the products that are certified and therefore compatible with our helmet models:

  • A-Com BT Cap
  • A-Com Cap
  • A-Com FM Cap
  • Aurora Cap
  • Auroramil Cap
  • Ergomax Cap
  • FM Radio 32 Cap
  • FM Radio Cap
  • FM XPB Cap
  • Multi Cap
  • Multi XPB Cap
  • Natural Cap
  • Natural XP Cap
  • Natural XP Headset Cap
  • Natural XPB Cap
  • Peltor H31, H31P30P3
  • Peltor Optime I, H510P3
  • Peltor Optime II, H520P3
  • Peltor Optime III, H540P3
  • Splendor Cap
  • Splendormil Cap
  • Sportmil Cap+
  • Supermax Cap
  • Supermil Cap

It can be mounted on the two little slots on the side of the shell.

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