News - Petzl Photo highlights of the evacuation procedure for the Pic du Midi aerial tram! - Petzl Portugal
Community News and videos Photo highlights of the evacuation procedure for the Pic du Midi aerial tram!

Photo highlights of the evacuation procedure for the Pic du Midi aerial tram!

Bad weather, technical problems, etc.; while infrequent, the reasons for evacuating a chairlift, gondola, aerial tram, or any other type of cable transport are numerous. This is why rescue teams need to be ready to intervene at any moment. They receive specific training and practice on a regular basis in executing the evacuation plan. This plan details the procedure to follow when an incident occurs, as well as the equipment to use and how to use it. View photos of the key steps during an evacuation exercise.

June 22 2015

Ski lift rescue

Located in the French Pyrenees, the Pic du Midi aerial tram was built in 1999. The 2500-meter long tram rises 1700 vertical meters to carry tourists and skiers to the Pic du Midi Observatory. The tram functions using a double-reversible system, meaning when one cabin ascends towards the top station, the other descends towards the bottom station..

Régie du Pic du Midi © PETZL/Lafouche
The cabin operator communicates with the station; a technical problem with the tram has occurred. The decision is made to evacuate.

Régie du Pic du Midi © PETZL/Lafouche
The cabin operator pulls out his equipment and gears up. He has a full-body harness (AVAO) and an energy-absorbing lanyard (ABSORBICA) that will allow him to attach himself to the top of the cabin in order to install the cable sling that will serve as the anchor for evacuating passengers from the cabin.

Régie du Pic du Midi © PETZL/Lafouche
Setting up the cable sling.

Régie du Pic du Midi © PETZL/Lafouche

Setting up the rescue kit after manually opening the cabin doors.

Régie du Pic du Midi © PETZL/Lafouche
The passengers are evacuated one by one. One passenger is equipped with an evacuation triangle harness.

Régie du Pic du Midi © PETZL/Lafouche
The cabin operator carefully positions the passenger before lowering him safely and securely to the ground.

Régie du Pic du Midi © PETZL/Lafouche
The passenger position viewed from above.

Régie du Pic du Midi © PETZL/Lafouche
The cabin operator starts to lower the passenger.

Régie du Pic du Midi © PETZL/Lafouche

Régie du Pic du Midi © PETZL/Lafouche

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