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10 photos... life on a worksite

A worksite is made up of so many moments preparing, concentrating, working, laughing with coworkers, teamwork... Moments spent living life and one's work to the fullest. On rare occasion, a photographer is able to perfectly capture these singular moments. Enjoy our selection of 10 photos of life on a worksite.

December 2 2016

Rope access and confined space

1. Access "without a rope"

Cleaning windows – Unicredit Tower – Milan, Italy



2. Pastoral and coastal

Cliffside rescue - Cap Canaille - Cassis, France



3. Teamwork

Tower construction - Colorado, USA

Justin Roth


4. Reading time

Installing a glass roof - Cité des Civilisations du Vin - Bordeaux, France



5. Going shopping

Lugano, Switzerland



6. Focused

Inspection - Chartrain Dam - Loire, France

hugo pedel


7. Heading to the top

Tree care - Monthoux Castle - Haute Savoie, France



8. A new paint job

Tunnel renovation - Saint Pancrasse, France



9. A complex world

Tower maintenance – Lugano, Switzerland 



10. Keys to the cathedral 

Roof maintenance – Meaux Cathedral, France / Asbide – National Monuments of France


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