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Maintaining Metal Equipment

How to help your metal equipment last longer

August 4 2020


Fall protection equipment protects you while working at-height, and it’s your responsibility to protect your equipment when back on the ground. Petzl products made of metal have an indefinite lifetime if cared for and pass a thorough inspection at least every 12 months or after any exceptional event in the life of the product. This event could include the product getting modified outside the manufacturer’s facilities, used or stored in hot or cold temperatures, or involved in a fall arrest. Following a few basic care principles and cleaning steps can increase your metal equipment lifespan. 

Basic care principles:

Do not leave equipment laying on the ground 
Do not throw equipment on the ground
Do not store gear in a damp place with the potential for mold and/or corrosion 
Store equipment in a well-ventilated space and out of direct sunlight
Make sure sharp objects are separate from helmets, ropes and slings
Modifications and repairs of Petzl products outside of Petzl facilities is prohibited
Remove gear from pack after each activity 

Maintenance for metal products

1. Rinse with fresh water after use in a salty environment

2. Use a small brush to remove oily dirt or mud

3. Wash gear in lukewarm, soapy water (mild face or body soap) with a max of 86℉, then rinse thoroughly with fresh water

4. Lubricate only with fluid oils or graphite powder. After lubricating, clean oil residue with a cloth

5. Do NOT use acid or harsh cleaners, as these products remove lubricants and the abrasive effect can increase wear

6. Do not use a high pressure water sprayer

Identification on metal products

Engraving metal equipment is not recommended since this is a modification of the products that can weaken it
Do NOT use a stamp or punch
If you want to engrave, you can use an electric engraving pen with a depth no less than 0.1mm. 
You can also use paint to mark your gear, but do not dip your gear in paint.
Do not mark any working areas, or any part where there is rubbing against another device or rope. 

For more information on maintaining your metal equipment visit the product pages on

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