Pulley system efficiency tests with MAESTRO, I’D S, PRO TRAXION, ROLLCLIP... - Petzl Portugal

Pulley system efficiency tests with MAESTRO, I’D S, PRO TRAXION, ROLLCLIP...

There can be a big difference between the theoretical efficiency of a pulley system and its actual efficiency. Here are test results from the Petzl lab.


  • Carefully read the Instructions for Use used in this technical advice before consulting the advice itself. You must have already read and understood the information in the Instructions for Use to be able to understand this supplementary information.
  • Mastering these techniques requires specific training. Work with a professional to confirm your ability to perform these techniques safely and independently before attempting them unsupervised.
  • We provide examples of techniques related to your activity. There may be others that we do not describe here.

1. Efficiency depending on the device used at the head of the system.

The force required to raise a 100 kg mass was tested under several configurations with different devices at the head of the system and with ropes of various diameters.

Test protocol:

- Ropes tested: RAD LINE 6 mm, 7 mm cord, SEGMENT 8 mm, PUSH 9 mm, CLUB 10 mm, PARALLEL 10.5 mm, AXIS 11 mm, VECTOR 12.5 mm.

- Measurements were made with a constant pull rate of 1.5 meters/minute, on new devices and ropes.

- The results are given for information only; in the field there are numerous variables to take into account (position of haul system elements, rope diameter and construction, hauling speed, hauling smoothness, the haul load...).

Simple directional (1:1)

Renvoi simple (1:1) - MAESTRO S.
Renvoi simple (1:1) - MAESTRO L.
Renvoi simple (1:1) - PRO TRAXION.
Renvoi simple (1:1) - MINITRAXION.
Renvoi simple (1:1) - I'D S.
Renvoi simple (1:1) - MICROTRAXION.
Renvoi simple (1:1) - NANOTRAXION.
Renvoi simple (1:1) - ROLLCUP.
Renvoi simple (1:1) - Am'D.

Note: pulley efficiency ratings in the Instructions for Use are based on values measured with a simple 1:1 directional.

Hauling efficiency F = xx M is the value obtained with the smallest compatible rope diameter for the device.

The pulley efficiency expressed in % is calculated from this value.

Efficiency is always less than 100%, which is the efficiency of an ideal pulley (impossible in reality).

Example for MAESTRO S: F = 116 M, efficiency = 86%

Rendement des poulies.

Simple directional (2:1)

Renvoi simple (2:1) - MAESTRO S.
Renvoi simple (2:1) - MAESTRO L.
Renvoi simple (2:1) - PRO TRAXION.
Renvoi simple (2:1) - MINITRAXION.
Renvoi simple (2:1) - I'D S.
Renvoi simple (2:1) - MICROTRAXION.
Renvoi simple (2:1) - NANOTRAXION.
Renvoi simple (2:1) - ROLLCUP.
Renvoi simple (2:1) - Am'D.

Haul system (3:1)

Mouflage (3:1) - MAESTRO.
Mouflage (3:1) - I'D S.
Mouflage (3:1) - PRO TRAXION.
Mouflage (3:1) - MICROTRAXION.

Haul system (4:1)

Mouflage (4:1) - MAESTRO.
Mouflage (4:1) - TWIN RELEASE.
Mouflage (4:1) - JAG TRAXION + JAG.
Mouflage (4:1) - JAG SYSTEM.

Haul system (5:1)

Mouflage (5:1) - MAESTRO.

2. 3:1 haul system efficiency depending on the redirect point used

Rendement en mouflage (3:1) en fonction du point de renvoi utilisé - MAESTRO + RESCUE.
Rendement en mouflage (3:1) en fonction du point de renvoi utilisé - MAESTRO + ROLLCUP.
Rendement en mouflage (3:1) en fonction du point de renvoi utilisé - MAESTRO + Am'D.