Release and rescue of a co-worker using a rescue kit - Petzl Portugal

Release and rescue of a co-worker using a rescue kit

Having rescue kits at the work site enables a rapid response among team members.


  • Carefully read the Instructions for Use used in this technical advice before consulting the advice itself. You must have already read and understood the information in the Instructions for Use to be able to understand this supplementary information.
  • Mastering these techniques requires specific training. Work with a professional to confirm your ability to perform these techniques safely and independently before attempting them unsupervised.
  • We provide examples of techniques related to your activity. There may be others that we do not describe here.

A pre-rigged rescue kit can contain:

- a haul system allowing the victim to be released,

- a descent system allowing the victim to be lowered.

Depending on the work situation and the established rescue plan, the rescue kit may be pre-installed on an anchor or placed in a location that gives workers the quickest access.

Setting up a specialized rescue kit with JAG SYSTEM and I'D

Setting up a specialized rescue kit with JAG SYSTEM and I'D.


The JAG SYSTEM is a hauling kit with optimal efficiency and compactness. Its cover prevents the haul rope from tangling.

To minimize the risks of mishandling, JAG SYSTEM and I'D can be connected with a RING OPEN, and the I'D can be permanently mounted on the rope, with the safety gate locked by the screw as described in the Instructions for Use.

Verify there is a knot in the end of the rope (at bottom of bag) and that the rope length is suitable for the situation.

The only operations needed to implement the rescue are then:

- connecting the kit to an appropriate anchor,

- connecting the kit to the victim and the release/descent sequence.


Whatever the equipment chosen, rescue kit usage should be planned and governed by the on-site rescue plan. Rescue implementation will vary according to the work situations, the equipment used by the victim before falling, and the victim's condition.

Setting up a specialized rescue kit with JAG SYSTEM and I'D.Setting up a specialized rescue kit with JAG SYSTEM and I'D.


The rescue kit can be used differently depending on the situation:

The type of support on which the victim is suspended can complicate rescue maneuvers.

- If the victim fell on an energy-absorbing lanyard, on a work-positioning lanyard or close to the anchor on a rope, the victim's weight has little effect on the support. Release is fairly simple: see the chapter on Release and rescue of a co-worker suspended on a static support.

- If the victim fell on a long length of rope (more than about 20 m), there is significant rope stretch due to the victim's weight. The rescuer's actions must take into account the effects of elasticity at the moment the victim is released: see the chapter on Release and rescue of a co-worker suspended on a long rope.