Videos - Petzl : Rescue Operations – Technical Rescue, Germany - Episode 3 | Petzl Portugal

Rescue Operations – Technical Rescue, Germany - Episode 3

June 6 2023

Technical rescue

Join the Ulm Fire Department's Height Rescue Group in Episode 3 as they perform technical rescue training. Dispatched to rescue a worker from the Erminger Radio Tower, the team's rigorous and continuous training ensures the worker's safe evacuation from the 40-meter outdoor platform, as well as the team’s technical skills and readiness for any emergency scenario.


Unit leader of the height rescue group, Johannes Hühn, gives a briefing to the team for the rescue mission.

Ulm's height Rescue team: Specialized Rescue from Above and Below

The Ulm Fire Department's Height Rescue Group is one of approximately 100 height rescue groups in Germany. These specialized firefighters are trained and equipped to handle complex rescue operations from great heights and depths. Their missions range from saving individuals in high-risk situations such as confined spaces to retrieving those who have fallen to great depths and transporting bariatric patients from high floors. To become a height rescuer, firefighters must complete an additional 80-hour basic training and regularly engage in continuous training.


The team sets up a Norwegian Reeve system on a tensioned highline

Radio Tower Rescue Exercise

Watch Ulm's height rescue group in action during their training exercise at the Erminger Radio Tower. The team was called to rescue a worker from an outdoor platform at a height of 40 meters, which they could access via a relatively narrow staircase. To ensure the patient's safe extraction to the ground, the team constructed a tensioned highline system between the second platform at 60 meters and the vehicle on the ground. The rescuer was lowered with the stretcher to the patient and brought him back to the ground.


Lowering the rescuer with the patient safely to the ground.

REEVE Carriage Pulley: An integrated Solution for Setting up a Highline Rescue System

The REEVE carriage pulley can help height rescue teams in technical rescue scenarios by providing an integrated solution for setting up highline rescue systems, simplifying the process and saving time. With its compact design and large-diameter sheaves, the REEVE offers excellent efficiency and allows for multiple configurations and connections.