Videos - Petzl : Rope 'n Rescue: The ARIA challenge... | Petzl Portugal

Rope 'n Rescue: The ARIA challenge...

October 24 2023

Technical rescue

14 rescue teams and a bunch of nightly operations. The ideal setup for testing the ARIA professional headlamps.

The fourteenth edition of the Rope ’n Rescue competition was complicated by the heavy rains of the preceding week. Imagine a slippery terrain which complicates maneuvers and the darkness of the night as icing on the cake: this edition was the to include night events, an ideal opportunity to test our new ARIA range of professional lamps on the terrain.

📷 by Kobe (Burdack Visuals)

After the rain always comes the good weather. The night workshops started at 9 p.m. and ended for the last teams at 3 a.m.! We were lucky, the weather conditions improved in the early evening. The night was mild in terms of temperatures and the magnificent site of the Barbençon quarry was highlighted by the superb moonlight in the freshly clear sky.

On Saturday the competition resumed at 10 a.m. with 5 workshops in which the 14 teams competed. A rescue event on wind turbines, another above the water of Lake Barbençon, others more classic and some more unexpected. All the events took place in the magnificent village of Barbençon and surrounding areas under a beautiful sun.   After a total of 9 workshops, carried out over a period of just under 24 hours, the winning trio is known:
1st place MYGALE SAFETY AND RESCUE (BE – Antwerpen)
2nd place HORIZON VERTICAL (FR – Aix-en-Provence)
3rd place RISC (BE – Brussel)

📅 Rope‘n Rescue #15: September 7, 2024. A fifteenth edition in an exceptional site…
Save the date for this 15th edition which will certainly be particularly exotic… 🐼`



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