How to remove the magnets from the magnetic buckles on your helmet's chinstrap? - Petzl Portugal

How to remove the magnets from the magnetic buckles on your helmet's chinstrap?

This helmet has a magnetic chinstrap buckle that facilitates fastening. In certain environments containing magnetic dust (e.g. iron dust), the dust can accumulate on the magnets and prevent the buckle from fastening. In this case, we recommend cleaning the buckles or removing the magnets.

Magnet removal procedure

Male buckle magnet

1. Immerse the buckle in a container of boiling water to soften the plastic.

2. Put the buckle on a supporting surface and hold the magnet down with a screwdriver. Lift the end of the buckle; the magnet comes out.

Female buckle magnet

1. Feed webbing through the buckle strap.

2. Immerse the buckle in a container of boiling water.

3. Put the buckle on a supporting surface and use a screwdriver to push through the small hole under the strap; the magnet comes out.


The magnets may be reinstalled in the buckles if desired. Be sure to reinstall the magnets in the correct direction so that they attract each other.