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Welcome to Barcelona- This is #PetzlNightRunning

The seaside Mediterranean city of Barcelona offers one of the best climates for running all year round as well as a brilliant blend of ancient medieval town mixed with modern buildings and flavored by the wonderful imagination of the architect Gaudi. To explore the night running potential of the city we teamed up with professional track athlete Llorenç Sales Ferré and his team from the PRORUNNERS club. They offered us a city tour from the seashore, through the Gothic area, the magic fountain of Mont Juic, and of course Gaudi’s Casa Batllo. Barcelona’s nightlife is so inviting that we could have stayed up all night.

October 19 2018


BINDI - Barcelona Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"What makes Barcelona so special is its the weather and the sea. Nothing compares to  enjoying a run into the Barcelonian sunset. When it is warm enough, we like to finish our run with a quick bath into the sea".

Why do you Run? 

There is not just one reason. I started running when I was a child. As a teenager I joined my local athletics team, nowadays, I'm a professional track athlete. I guess I run because I'm good at it, because it's part of my job and, most importantly, it fulfills me at so many levels.

BINDI - Barcelona Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"Ciceron used to say that your face is the reflection of your soul. That is true, after running at night, I always look satisfied".

What makes your city different at night?

Every city has its own history, Barcelona (my city), through the last centuries, has witnessed a lot of historical events, at night, when it's quiet, you have the sense of being part of the city's history, the streets, the buildings, the sea, all of it, just creates an environment for itself that makes it unique.

BINDI - Barcelona Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"Very close to the Olympic stadium you can find " La font màgica". Some nights, there are water fireworks with music animation. Running through there is an experience that all runners should have once in a life."

How do you share your night running experience?

It depends, on what? The mood of the day. I mean, some days I prefer to run for myself, focus on me and what I am doing, with no distractions around. Some days, I like to be more social, so I gather my running crew and catch up with friends. 

BINDI - Barcelona Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"Before starting our night running session, we try to agree on what kind of route we are going to do. It is not always easy to agree, but we choose it democratically."  

BINDI - Barcelona Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"It is known that If you want to go far, you must go with company. I like the feeling of being part of a group and helping each other during our run, it helps to give your best, no doubt!" 

BINDI - Barcelona Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"To me, it is nothing more relaxing than running for my own through the streets of Barcelona at night, just you, the noise of your feet hitting the ground and your breath. It is my medicine after a busy day at work!"

BINDI - Barcelona Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"Running next to sea before the Hotel Vela, is one of the best photos you can get from Barcelona!"

BINDI - Barcelona Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"Behind us is the Historically Museum of Barcelona, I've always thought that it would be funny to ask the most important people who’ve lived in Barcelona what they think so many people running at night for no reason ( apparently )."

BINDI - Barcelona Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"Gaudi has left his fingerprints on most of the buildings in Barcelona. La casa Batllo is one of the most famous, the light at night makes it special. We usually run by it once a week for the special ambiance."

BINDI - Barcelona Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"The last scientific studies said that chilling out after a night run with our running crew ( or whatever you like ), is the best way to recover from a tough training, so, we try to do it very frequently, just in case..."

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BINDI - Barcelona Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

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BINDI- Welcome to Barcelona- This is #PetzlNightRunning

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