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Community News and videos Welcome to Berlin - This is #PetzlNightRunning

Welcome to Berlin - This is #PetzlNightRunning

You're traveling for work. It's a part of the job, but a nightmare when it comes to maintaining a training program. This is something many members of the Petzl global team understand, so imagine our surprise when we stumbled upon not only an amazing running community in Berlin, but also a solution for a very personal challenge.

October 3 2018


"Berlin's beautiful panorama by night always gives you a pause to enjoy this city."

This summer, while scouting locations for the new BINDI headlamp, we were incredibly lucky to meet Berlin runner and entrepreneur Sophie Mazur. A true Berliner and runner, Sophie not only is a part of the vibrant Berlin culture, but also organizes "runseeing tours" around the city, day and night, as a way to experience the creative side of Berlin as well as to keep up with one's running. We sat down with Sophie to learn more about what keeps her in stride.

Why do you run?

When I was a teenager I wasn't very athletic. Believe it or not, with my long legs I was more clumsy than anything else. Only in during my studies did I discover running in the fast sense while playing rugby. From there I started to love running, first short distances then longer distances. Today, I've been running for over 10 years and it has become a passion that I like to share with others.

What makes your city different at night?

Berlin is like a city that never sleeps and completely lights up at night. Night running makes you feel the contrast of Berlin and its "Kiez" (districts) like no other time of day. Either you become an integral part of the busy nightlife in the urban area of Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain, or you enjoy the beautiful illuminated sights in the center of Berlin Mitte. An absolute highlight is the night view from some of Berlin's bridges, for an unforgettable panorama of the city.

How do you share your night-running experience?

I founded Runseeing Berlin! It is a city running tour that makes you discover Berlin in a completely different way, from a  runner's perspective. We offer day and night running tours for people from all over the world and for all running levels. We want our runners to be part of the city and to feel that special Berlin vibe as soon as their feet hit the ground.

BINDI - Berlin Story #PetzlNightRunning

"When we escape the city lights or run from one district to another, a headlamp shows us the way into new and exciting territory."

BINDI - Berlin Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"Where the big guys rule! Stunning architecture in Berlin's government district."

BINDI - Berlin Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"Running at night in Berlin gives me an almost magical feeling. Colorful city lights, empty streets, and the sound of my breath is a unique experience."

BINDI - Berlin Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

For this building in Berlin's government district, I have a saying: "never set the bar too high, you may fall off the stairs."

BINDI - Berlin Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"The Berlin Wall. Symbol of separation, fear, and hope. Who could have imagined that one day we would run alongside the wall and feel free? We run free!"

BINDI - Berlin Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"Running through the archways of Oberbaumbridge with the metro roaring above your head is a feeling that you will never forget."

BINDI - This is #PetzlNightRunning

"Weird music and crazy artists, like this monkey DJ, pop up out of nowhere and are so very Berlin."

BINDI - Berlin Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"I try all sorts of running routes. The more special and unusual they are, the more I want to explore them. This is from running through one of Berlin's electro club areas."

BINDI - Berlin Story This is #PetzlNightRunning

"I love to let myself follow my light into new exciting areas in Berlin. You never know what what will next! Why? Because it's Berlin!"

BINDI - Welcome to Berlin - This is #PetzlNightRunning

Here is the Strava night-running route through Berlin central that I highly recommend:

BINDI - Berlin Story This is #PetzlNightRunning



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