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Welcome to San Francisco: This is #PETZLNIGHTRUNNING

San Francisco, with its famous hills, offers runners an unmatched workout. At the edge of a port or a beach, in parks or forests, facing the slopes of its streets or grassy hills, there are countless possibilities to explore different itineraries, day or night. We met up with Amy Schnittger and Brett Zorich to talk about the serenity and freedom that come with night running.

November 2 2020


©2019 PETZL Distribution - A.Eggermont

Brett Zorich (left) - Amy Schnittger (right)

Why do you run?

Amy: I run to remain competitive in the sport, form new friendships, and explore the city, all while keeping my body and mind healthy and happy.

What do you like the most about running at night?

Amy: Running at night is a perfect way to wind down from a stressful day, while also clearing my head. After a long day of work, getting myself out the door for a run is an accomplishment in itself and every mile after that is a gift. The bustle of the day has faded and people are cozy in their homes, which leaves me and the few dedicated others free to run the streets. Finishing a night run leaves me invigorated and proud.

Brett: I like how freeing it is to run at night. You see the world in a different perspective when it’s dark and you are out running through the city. 

What makes your city different at night?

Amy: San Francisco is an incredibly busy little city; running through the streets dodging cars and people can be challenging. At night there is much less foot traffic, making sidewalks and paths easier to navigate. There is a certain buzz and excitement in San Francisco that easily propels me through night runs. 

How do you share your night running experience in San Francisco?

Amy: Running for me is as much of a social event as it is a form of exercise. I try to run with others whenever possible, especially at night. The company of a friend not only makes the run more enjoyable but also keeps us much safer. The element of danger as a woman running alone at night can be daunting, so running in groups is always a good idea.

Brett: I share my experience night running by bringing people on runs and exploring places with them. It’s hard to capture the beauty of a night run in photos. It’s truly magical when you can share your city with people at night.

©2019 PETZL Distribution - A.Eggermont

Running close to the water is nice and quiet; you leave all the city noise behind.

©2019 PETZL Distribution - A.Eggermont

San Francisco is famous for its traditional cable cars.

©2019 PETZL Distribution - A.Eggermont

It’s always nice to share a run with someone else. It’s motivating and takes the experience to a higher level.

©2019 PETZL Distribution - A.Eggermont

The Transamerica Pyramid, the building in the background, is famous worldwide for its shape. People often run close by. It's a city landmark.

©2019 PETZL Distribution - A.Eggermont

One enjoyable part of night running is constantly changing scenery: On a single run, you might encounter parks, city stairs, beaches, docks, and more.

©2019 PETZL Distribution - A.Eggermont

San Francisco lit up at night has a special vibe, maybe even a bit mystical. You hardly think about how busy the city is during the day.

©2019 PETZL Distribution - A.Eggermont

Stretching is an important part of training if you want to avoid injuries.

©2019 PETZL Distribution - A.Eggermont

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