RAD SYSTEM preparation, depending on the anticipated situation - Petzl Portugal

RAD SYSTEM preparation, depending on the anticipated situation

The RAD SYSTEM allows getting out of various tricky situations. Depending on the plan for the day, it is easy to anticipate difficulties that may be encountered, and to best prepare the kit.


  • Carefully read the Instructions for Use used in this technical advice before consulting the advice itself. You must have already read and understood the information in the Instructions for Use to be able to understand this supplementary information.
  • Mastering these techniques requires specific training. Work with a professional to confirm your ability to perform these techniques safely and independently before attempting them unsupervised.
  • We provide examples of techniques related to your activity. There may be others that we do not describe here.

1. Ski descent with the possibility of a rappel

Arriving at the top of a steep section that requires a rappel is normally not an emergency situation; the cord can be stored in the pack or carried on the harness.

Arriving at the top of a steep section that requires a rappel is normally not an emergency situation; the cord can be stored in the pack or carried on the harness.

2. Unroped glacier travel with crevasse fall risk

If a skier falls into a crevasse, you must be able to quickly send them a rope with a carabiner, so that they can easily attach themselves.

Having the cord and the knot prepared saves precious time.

The ascenders should also be ready on the harness.

If a skier falls into a crevasse, you must be able to quickly send him a rope with a carabiner, so that he can easily attach himself. Having the cord and the knot prepared saves precious time.If a skier falls into a crevasse, you must be able to quickly send him a rope with a carabiner, so that he can easily attach himself. Having the cord and the knot prepared saves precious time.

3. Roped glacier travel

As with any travel in a crevassed area, the rope length between teammates must be adjusted according to the situation. Each teammate must have reserve rope on themselves to be able to set up a haul system, and the ascenders must be ready on the harness to be deployed even with the rope under tension and while holding the weight of a teammate.

Packed in kit and clipped to harness

Packed in kit and clipped to harnessPacked in kit and clipped to harness

Chest loops

Chest loops

Packed in kit and stowed in the pack

Packed in kit and stowed in the pack