ASAP usage on static rope - Petzl Portugal

ASAP usage on static rope


  • Carefully read the Instructions for Use used in this technical advice before consulting the advice itself. You must have already read and understood the information in the Instructions for Use to be able to understand this supplementary information.
  • Mastering these techniques requires specific training. Work with a professional to confirm your ability to perform these techniques safely and independently before attempting them unsupervised.
  • We provide examples of techniques related to your activity. There may be others that we do not describe here.

The ASAP system may be used with ropes equivalent to the RAY, certified ANSI Z359.15, of 11 to 13 mm, with the ASAP’SORBER 20 and 40 (international version) and ASAP’SORBER AXESS energy absorbers.

Ropes normally used with the ASAP, that meet the EN 1891 standard, are low stretch kernmantle ropes (elongation less than 5 % with a load of 50 - 150 kg.)

In certain countries, for example the North American countries, the ropes in common use are more static. (Example: RAY 11 mm rope, certified to the ANSI Z359.15 standard, has an elongation of 3 % under a 400 kg load).

Using the ASAP on such static ropes is outside the scope of the EN 12841 and EN 353-2 European certifications.

The ASAP (international version) and ASAP LOCK are certified to the ANSI Z359.15 standard, for use on the RAY 11 mm rope with ASAP’SORBER 20 and 40 (international version) and ASAP’SORBER AXESS energy absorbers.


The certification tests include a drop test using a 128 kg mass, falling a distance of twice the length of the energy absorber (including connectors).

The measured impact force is around 4 kN: shock absorption is essentially done by the energy absorber. The rope barely plays a role in energy absorption, but must have a sheath that resists tearing under a load of at least 4 kN.

The results would be the same for tests done on any rope equivalent to the RAY. Petzl therefore authorizes the use of the ASAP on 11-13 mm diameter static ropes with ASAP’SORBER 20 and 40 (international version) and ASAP’SORBER AXESS.


- Petzl has not tested every rope on the market; there may be a danger when using a rope whose sheath tears under loads of 4 kN or less. Check the rope’s Instructions for Use before using it.

- Before use, test the compatibility of the ASAP with your rope: test that the ASAP moves and locks correctly.

- Warning: ropes generally become weaker with age. The rope’s condition at the time of the fall can also be unfavorable: wet, icy, dirty...

Rescue scenario - accompanied descent:

On static rope, using an ASAP for the rescuer and victim is acceptable up to 250 kg with ABSORBICA L57 and ASAP’SORBER AXESS energy absorbers.

In a fall on these systems with a 250 kg mass, the loads measured are less than 6 kN; the rope selected should have a suitable strength. (Petzl’s tests have validated usage on Petzl ropes, particularly AXIS, PARALLEL, VECTOR and RAY).

When possible, it is preferable to keep both ASAPs (rescuer’s + victim’s) for the descent.

The other precautions found in the "Rope rescue - accompanied descent" chapter must be followed.