© 2024 Petzl Distribution - LAFOUCHE
Using the GRILLON as an anchor for more than one person
How to calculate mechanical advantage
General principles for work at height
Understanding and optimizing clearance with ABSORBICA-I and Y
Clearance values with ABSORBICA-I and Y depending on your situation
Connecting the MGO to a structure
How and why use a fall-arrest lanyard?
Proper selection of ABSORBICA lanyard – workers weighing 100 to 140 kg (lanyards before 2024)
ABSORBICA-Y lanyards and fall-arrest lanyard connector parking on the harness
Oblique or vertical anchors and fall distance with ABSORBICA lanyards.
Tests of ABSORBICA lanyards in a fall over an edge
Slinging an anchor with ABSORBICA lanyards
Strangulation risk in a fall on an ABSORBICA Y lanyard.
Occasional use
ASAP usage when approaching an obstacle or the ground
ASAP usage on an incline
Certification tests of the ABSORBICA-I and Y lanyards
Carabiner basics
Choice of carabiner for attaching a descender with a safety gate (I’D S, RIG, STOP...) to the harness
Choice of lanyard end carabiner for a work positioning lanyard
Choice of lanyard-end carabiner for a fall-arrest lanyard
Choice of carabiner for connecting the fall-arrest lanyard to the harness
Choice of carabiners for attaching the rope to the anchor
Choice of carabiners for hauling systems and pulley attachment
Examples of dangerous carabiner loading.
Releasable anchors with the I'D
Long-term use
Roof access
Rescuing a person hanging on an ABSORBICA lanyard
Release and rescue of a co-worker using a rescue kit