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Ultra Spirit - A different kind of trail

The Ultra Spirit redefines the contours of trail running by demonstrating that beyond individual performance, it's sharing a common adventure that creates lasting memories. After finishing the last edition solo, Julien Lizeroux is back, ready to reunite with his teammate Hugo, who got lost in the Beaufortain mountains after dropping out in 2023. Could this year be the one?

September 27 2024



Team LIGHT & RIGHT Takes on the Third Edition

Throughout his career, François D’Haene has competed in trail running events worldwide. While his victories are part of history, it's the smiles of volunteers, the beauty of the landscapes, and the unique features of each event that leave a lasting impression. For three years now, François and his wife Carline have been building Ultra Spirit in their home, the Beaufortain valley—an ultra-trail event like no other.
This desire to experience something different attracted Julien Lizeroux and Hugo Woerner last year, but they were met with challenging weather and the technical nature of the course. Julien was able to finish, but something essential was missing: sharing the moment with his team. On Friday, September 20th, a new, energetic team gathered in Beaufort. Alongside Julien, Enak Gavaggio and Laurent Poma were ready to find Hugo and accompany him to the Ultra Spirit finish line.



Day 1: Enak, the Mustachioed Strategist

A chilly atmosphere greeted the reunion of Team LIGHT & RIGHT. At the start, Hugo warmed up with a "super local breakfast," which helped him avoid an early hypoglycemic episode. The day kicked off with stunning views of the Mont Blanc massif.
After hours of running, the aid station was a welcome sight for everyone, sparking a desire for a nap among some participants. Fortunately, the Petzl workshop arrived just in time to wake them up. After putting on a harness and helmet, the participants tackled a short via ferrata before zip-lining down as a team, imitating the cry of an ibex—a great way to entertain the onlookers. Approaching the base camp, the team reunited with Enak, who had paced himself by stopping at the first aid station. He arrived fresh, with his mustache in perfect shape, ready for the first night at the bivouac.




Day 2: The Wind, an Uninvited Guest at Ultra Spirit 

"It wasn't the wind; it was the volunteers shaking the tents!" joked François D'Haene during the morning briefing, lightening the mood after a not-so-restful night at the bivouac. The wind, however, was real and wasn’t letting the runners off the hook. "Alright, 200 meters of elevation, everyone runs, no poles!" François shouted, rallying the group as they started the second day in the Beaufortain.
The trails varied from technical rocky sections to colorful alpine pastures, with activities sprinkled throughout the run. Toward the end of the course, around ten Petzl employees had come out to cheer on the runners—a much-needed boost after a day of intense effort. For the second and final time of the weekend, the participants returned to the bivouac, each recovering in their own way.

Day 3: The Three Carabiners in the Beaufortain 

Woken up by two Alphorn players, the participants began a calmer third day. During the lap around Lake Roselend, they had to show some dexterity to complete Petzl’s three-carabiner challenge. For our team of skiers, it was “good practice for handling carabiners before the winter season.” After descending to Arêches and then Beaufort, the teams rang the Ultra Spirit bell one by one, celebrating their success. The day ended on a high note, coinciding with the finish of the children’s edition.



Ultra Spirit: Is This What Trail Running Is All About?

This close-up look at Team LIGHT & RIGHT gives us a glimpse into the event, though it’s hard to fully capture the essence of Ultra Spirit. As the team puts it, “trail running becomes an excuse to spend time with friends.” It’s this warm, friendly atmosphere that leaves a lasting impact. Enak shared, “I spent three days with trail runners who just want to have fun and connect. It’s truly amazing!” Julien echoed this, saying, "What matters are the shared moments with others, whether you know them or not."





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