News - Petzl Climbing through the eyes of Jamie Finlayson – Instagram Takeover - Petzl USA
Community News and videos Climbing through the eyes of Jamie Finlayson – Instagram Takeover

Climbing through the eyes of Jamie Finlayson – Instagram Takeover

From time to time, athletes from Team Petzl take control of our Instagram account. For one full week, they transport us directly into their world, allow us to experience their adventures first hand, and share what inspires them day-in and day-out. In early May 2017, Jamie Finlayson shared with us how he has succeeded in finding the ideal balance between his passion for rock climbing, family life, and his career. Enjoy five Instagram posts by this super dad.

June 15 2017

Multi-pitch climbing

Climbing, my passion for more than 20 years





Thomas, my son and my coach





Stellar crack climbing on "Gravity Bong" in Squamish





Crashpad and stroller





"Dreamcatcher", one of this year's main goals!




To continue the adventure, join us on our Instagram account: @petzl_official

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