Videos - Petzl : Maewan Adventure Base - Part 1 : Ski-expedition in Greenland | Petzl USA

Maewan Adventure Base - Part 1 : Ski-expedition in Greenland

March 29 2016


This movie covers the first chapter of the Maewan adventure, between Iceland and Greenland, where Erwan Le Lann’s “fleet” of two sailboats departed from Isafjordur, with each boat crew composed of an expert sailor, freeride skier, mountaineer, photographer, and cameraman.

"Project Maewan began with the desire to discover the most remote corners of the Earth by land or by sea. So I bought a sailboat, the 'Maewan IV,' capable of facing the most extreme environments. It has become a platform for adventure, open to all of my friends so passionate about their chosen sports, experts in their professions. Over a four-year period we will travel the high seas looking for firsts in the wildest of places, whether in the Great White North, along the coast of Asia, among the Pacific Islands, or to the far southern reaches of the planet.

We left on February 8, 2015, from the coast of Brittany, in Northwestern France, initially setting our sails for Iceland to explore the country’s ice climbing potential, but by the end of March, in spite of the still very cold winter conditions, we decided instead to journey to the exceptional mountain landscapes of Southern Greenland, to venture up the frozen fjords in search of untracked couloirs and wide-open slopes to ski.

Maewan Adventure Base - Ski-expedition in Greenland - Part 1

We navigated along the western coast of Greenland through the end of August, the crew varying based on the project at hand: to ski, to rock climb, or simply to explore. This year, in 2016, the adventure will resume in June to cross the legendary Northwest Passage; we will set sail and a course for the Kamchatka Peninsula in Eastern Russia. The entire summer will also be abuzz with plenty of other activities, research, samplings, and photos."

-- Erwan Le Lann


Maewan, original sound track

The adventure continues…

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